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The IAK hold many competitions solely for Korean nationals and while this competition is open to all, entries are only accepted in the English language. There is no Korean version of this competition on the IAK Korean language site.

I.A.K. GAA Sweepstakes is coming your way this Summer after the success of last year's Euro's. As both the Gaelic Football and Hurling Championships are getting fully into gear we are offering you the chance to win the sweepstakes in both codes.
An entry fee of 10,000 won will give you two bites of the cherry.
You will be assigned one of the 32 football teams AND one of the 12 hurling teams.
The deadline for entry will be May 31st, with the draw being revealed below on June 1st.
The prize fund will be derived from the entry pot.
Please fill out the form below and we will forward the payment details to you.
Alternatively, e-mail with your name for payment details.

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